D罩杯大体老师-Body donor

好想下一场雨 坠落 把大地清洗 整个城市门窗紧闭 春风徐来 我们屏住呼吸 如果有一天唤回我们的回忆 此刻的我们好象在时间线上做标记 一种是情感 一种是目的 然后任由它向前 验证了结局 冰箱里囤的柿子和番石榴正在吸收氧气 阳台上土豆和小南瓜相靠又相依 鸡蛋静止表现出它对于生命曾经思考 又毫不在乎 有什么意义 黄茶曾经被打开又被封起 那些南山的味道还在嘴里 等到十六个小时的闭环成立 卧香和咖啡的香气 会把一个黎明的被窝掀起 它会跳绳或者把羽毛球的场地占据 这是突然变慢的一周 奔涌而来的思绪

Raining as rain Falling Wash the soul of earth The windows and doors closed at spring Wind blows We hold our breath If recall our memories soon Marking the timeline Emotion And the purpose We let it move forward Till it will come and be verifying The persimmons and guavas in the refrigerator are absorbing oxygen Potatoes and pumpkins on the balcony leaning and clinging The egg is still, showing that it has thought about life And it doesn't care What's the being? The yellow tea has been opened and sealed up The taste of the black tea is still in my mouth Waiting until the sixteen hours of closed loop is established The aroma of reclining incense and coffee Will lift up a dawn And It will jump rope or take over the field of badminton This is the week that suddenly slowed down The thoughts that come rushing
