13, 我要把想法和你交换

我要把想法和你交换 你看,你看 可盐,可甜 把吊钟花的美丽影子 映山的晚红 豆梨的清香 含笑 和对黄花风铃的畅想 做成最美味的糕点 我要把最新奇的向你奉献 就好象初次来到人间 温柔的海波 阳光洒满沙滩 我看过一种水鸟 它是灰色的站在岸边 它是白色的飞翔时的翼展 就象是把所有的都做好铺垫 才睁开眼

I want to exchange ideas with you You'll see, you'll see Salt, or sweet I'll get beautiful shadow from the hanging bellflower I'll get evening red from the azalea I'll get fragrance from pear I'll get smiles and dream from the tabebuia chrysantha I'll make the most delicious pastry I want to offer you the most novelty Just like the first time I get birth The gentle waves of the sea The sunlight on the beach I saw a water bird It's gray and stands on the shore It was white with its wings when it flew It's as if it's all laid out before opening my eyes
