08, 水滴

一千万年的记忆只剩残破 一千年的记忆只剩雕刻 一年的记忆也许不记得 所以,有可能,我是错的 森林的小猪勇敢 猪圈里的小猪懦弱 那些教会我们沉着的 把有一些闭环打开了 湮灭 所以我可能是错的 我希望伤痛消逝的速度超过光速 相信空间可以折叠 直接去往天国 泪水是进攻向邪恶的二向箔 它们沉静,萧索,依依不舍 让画面永久陈列 一座座奖杯雕刻 所以即便我是错的 也要勇敢生活

Ten million years, ten million years only tatters remain Thousand years, thousand years only carvings left One year, one year I could not remember So I'm wrong, it's possible The pig is brave in the forest The pig was cowardly in the pigsty Composure, composure Break up the loops Annihilation with limit I must be wrong, it's possible I hope the hurt fades faster than the speed of light I hope that space can fold There is a road to the heaven straightly Tears are the two-way foil attacking to evil Sullen, unforgiving, silent Let the images be exhibit forever A trophy carved Even I'm wrong I must live bravely
