
Intriguing Group Dynamics 有趣的团队动力

I have worked with hundreds of groups over the years and although the theories of Wilfred Bion (1897-1979) are not widely known or discussed, believe that they can be very helpful in making sense of what can sometimes seem like madness in groups. So I am sharing them here, in the hope you find them useful too. 多年来,我与数百个团体合作过,尽管威尔弗雷德·比昂 (Wilfred Bion,1897-1979) 的理论并未广为人知或讨论过,但相信它们对于理解团体中有时看似疯狂的事情非常有帮助。所以我在这里分享它们,希望你也发现它们有用。

Bion was a medic, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst who studied small groups in the army during World War II and later at the Tavistock Clinic. He as intrigued by what might be happening when groups became irrational, unproductive and fragmented. It was, he thought, as if they shared some assumptions about what the group was there to do or be. These were not conscious, nor were they acknowledged or spoken about. But they were powerful. 比昂是一位军医、心理治疗师和精神分析师,他在二战期间研究了军队中的小团体,后来又在塔维斯托克诊所进行了研究。他对当群体变得不合理、低效和支离破碎时可能发生的事情很感兴趣。他认为,就好像他们对小组在那里做什么或成为什么有一些共同的假设。这些是下意识的,也没有得到承认或谈论。但他们很强大。

Groups appeared to focus on self-preservation, as if there was a natural tendency to disintegrate. The wellbeing of individuals became secondary to the need to maintain the group, even though there was no effort to make the group worthwhile. Bion believed that these underlying, unconscious mentalities determine a group’s capacity to achieve its purposes. His theories drew on the earlier work of Melanie Klein who felt that we learn from early infancy to cope with unpleasant emotions and the confusion and anxiety these create, by using various psychological defences. 群体似乎专注于自我保护,好像有一种自然的解体倾向。个人的福祉变得次于维持团体的需要,即使没有努力使团体有价值。比昂认为,这些潜在的、无意识的心态决定了一个群体实现其目标的能力。他的理论借鉴了梅兰妮·克莱茵的早期工作,她认为我们从婴儿早期就学会了通过使用各种心理防御来应对不愉快的情绪以及由此产生的困惑和焦虑。

Bion thought that groups operate simultaneously in two strictly contrasting ways, which he called ‘basic-assumption mentality’ (or ‘ba’), and ‘work-group mentality’ (‘W’). 比昂认为群体以两种截然不同的方式同时运作,他称之为“基本假设心态”(或“ba”)和“工作团体心态”(“W”)

The Work Group 工作团体

This has a real purpose on which it focuses. Members know and feel that they are there to achieve – to do some real work. Examples of a Work Group could be: 它会有关注的真正目标。成员知道并感觉到他们在那里是为了实现——做一些真正的工作。工作团体的示例可以是:

· A project team discussing how they will meet the challenging timelines for delivery

· A sales team focused on meeting targets for next year

· A group of employees working together to raise money for charity

· A group of strangers on a beach helping to save a swimmer in distress

· A Time to Think Council or Action Learning set with each member taking turns to share their experiences in order to help one of its members faced with a challenging situation.

· 一个项目团队讨论他们将如何满足具有挑战性的交付时间表

· 一个专注于实现明年目标的销售团队

· 一群员工齐心协力为慈善事业筹款

· 一群陌生人在海滩上帮助救一名遇险游泳者

· 思考委员会或行动学习的时间,每个成员轮流分享他们的经验,以帮助面临挑战的成员之一。

Characteristics of a Work Group include: 工作团体的特征包括:

· People are visibly clear about the purpose and each person feels they have a role to play

· The group is productive and reviews its progress

· The group is open to external input to help in its task

· There is a positive sense that people are united, with no or limited power play

· People are accepting of differences in personality, behavior and contribution as long as individuals are playing their part

· The group acknowledges failure or mistakes and wants to learn from them.

· 人们显然很清楚目标,每个人都觉得他们可以发挥作用

· 该团体富有成效并审查其进展

· 该团体对外部输入持开放态度,以帮助其完成任务

· 有一种积极的感觉,人们团结在一起,没有或有限的权力游戏

· 只要个人在发挥自己的作用,人们就会接受个性、行为和贡献的差异

· 该团体承认失败或错误,并希望从中学习。

Bion’s Basic Assumption groups: 比昂的基本假设团体:

On the other hand, Basic Assumption groups are held together not by a purpose but a shared yet unconscious set of common and interlocked feelings, comprised of wishes, fears, defences, fantasies, impulses and projections. They manifest tensions between the need to belong or to stay separate, and the need to get on with the task or to avoid it and the discomfort it brings. People move from a Work Group to a Basic Assumption group when there is unspoken and uncontrollable anxiety. Examples of a Basic Assumption group include: 另一方面, 基本假设团体不是由一个目的而是由一共享但无意识的共同和相互关联的感觉联系在一起,包括愿望、恐惧、防御、幻想、冲动和预测。他们表现出归属或保持分离的需要与继续完成任务或避免任务的需要以及它带来的不适之间的紧张关系。当存在不言而喻和无法控制的焦虑时,人们就会从工作团体转移到基本假设组。基本假设团体的示例包括:

· A project team meeting focused - for the duration - on complaining about another team that’s slowing them down.

· A sales team expecting the sales manager to provide ideas about how to achieve their own targets, and frustrated at the manager when they do not.

· A group of employees bickering continually about something of little importance in the wider scheme of things.

· A learning group in prolonged silence waiting for a volunteer to present first.

· 在此期间,项目团队会议的重点是抱怨另一个团队拖慢他们的进度。

· 销售团队期望销售经理提供有关如何实现自己目标的想法,而当他们没有提供时,则对经理感到沮丧。

· 一群员工在更广泛的计划中不断为一些无关紧要的事情争吵。

· 一个学习小组在长时间的沉默中等待志愿者首先出现。

The main differences between the Work Group and the Basic Assumption Group is that the Work group is productive and members take responsibility for achieving together, and the Basic Assumption group is not and does not. 工作团体和基本假设团体之间的主要区别在于,工作团体是富有成效的,成员负责共同实现目标,而基本假设团体不是也没有。

Characteristics of a Basic Assumption group include: 基本假设团体的特征包括:

· Periods of long silence waiting for someone to speak / rescue them.

· Members passively look to the trainer/leader for all the answers.

· Alternatively, the group demonstrates hostility and disappointment towards the leader, ignores them or continually fights amongst themselves, and then searches for alternative leader when the original one fails to control them.

· The group expresses surprise, denial or annoyance when their unproductive behaviour is pointed out.

· Members of the group do not question ‘the movement’ or the cause even if its an extreme one.

· The group creates an “enemy” real or imagined – inside or outside the group, including scapegoating.

· Weaknesses (as perceived by the group) are not tolerated and members ejected.

· The group appears irrational, even a little mad, losing its focus in the task or gets stuck on nit picking or irrelevance.

· The group might look to two individuals for all creative effort, in hopeful anticipation; the rest of the group is initially attentive and interested in the pair coming up with the ideas. However solutions or leaders generated by pairing are sabotaged and destroyed by the group.

· 长时间的沉默等待有人说话/拯救他们。

· 成员被动地向培训师/领导者寻求所有答案。

· 或者,该团体对领导者表现出敌意和失望,无视他们或不断相互争斗,然后在原领导者无法控制他们时寻找替代领导者。

· 当他们的非生产性行为被指出时,该团体会表示惊讶、否认或烦恼。

· 小组成员不质疑“运动”或原因,即使它是极端的。

· 该团体在团体内部或外部创造了一个真实的或想象的“敌人”,包括替罪羊。

· 弱点(如团体所认为的)是不被容忍的,成员被逐出。

· 团体似乎不理性,甚至有点疯狂,他们在任务中失去了注意力,或者陷入了挑剔或无关紧要的问题。

· 团体可能会在充满希望的期待中寻找两个人进行所有创造性的努力;团体的其他成员最初很专心并且对提出想法的这对夫妇很感兴趣。然而,通过配对产生的解决方案或领导者被团体破坏和摧毁。

Bion identified 3 basic assumptions and members of a group in Basic Assumption mentality can fluctuate between the different “bas”. 比昂确定了 3 个基本假设,基本假设心态中的一个群体的成员可以在不同的“bas”之间波动。

Basic Assumption Dependency (baD): The group acts as if their task is to obtain security and protection from one individual – either the designated leader or trainer/coach/teacher or a member who assumes the role. 基本假设依赖 (baD): 团队的行为就好像他们的任务是从一个人那里获得安全和保护——指定的领导者或培训师/教练/教师或承担该角色的成员。

Basic Assumption Fight/Flight (baF): The group acts as if it must preserve itself by action – either fighting (e.g. active aggression, scapegoating, and physical attack) or by fleeing (e.g. withdrawal, passivity, avoidance, and ruminating on past history). Leadership is given to anyone who can mobilize the aggressive forces of the group or helps it to move away from the task. 基本假设 战斗/逃跑 (baF): 该群体表现得好像必须通过行动来保护自己——要么是战斗(例如主动攻击、替罪羊和物理攻击),要么是逃跑(例如退缩、被动、回避和沉思过去的历史) )。任何能够动员团体的侵略性力量或帮助其摆脱任务的人,都将获得领导权。

Basic Assumption Pairing (baP): The group acts as if their survival depends on two people producing some magical solution to its difficulties that will save the group. The group will put forth two people to pair with each other, with the hope that they will produce this unborn saviour / idea. 基本假设配对 (baP): 该团体的行为就好像他们的生存取决于两个人对困难的神奇解决方案,以拯救该团体。该小组将推出两个人相互配对,希望他们能产生这个未出生的救世主/想法。

Later, other psychotherapists added two more Basic Assumptions: 后来,其他心理治疗师又增加了两个基本假设:

Basic Assumption Oneness (ba0 -Turquet, 1974): The group seeks an undifferentiated state of wholeness – there is no sense of individuality, only homogeneity. Members want to immerse themselves in this omnipotent force, and to surrender to passive participation in order to feel existence, well-being, and wholeness. The group commits a cause outside itself, as a way of survival. 基本假设合一(ba0 -图奎特,1974): 该团体寻求一种无差别的整体状态——没有个性,只有同质。成员想要沉浸在这种无所不能的力量中,并屈服于被动参与,以感受存在、幸福和完整。该团体致力于自身之外的事业,作为一种生存方式。

Basic Assumption Me-ness (baM - Bain, Lawrence, and Gould, 1996): The opposite to baO. Group members act as if there is no group – each member is an individual with no connection to the whole. The denial of the group serves to defend members from the destructive aspects of group life and instead ensures individualism. This may be culturally oriented to Westernism. 基本假设各自为政(baM - 贝恩、劳伦斯 和 顾尔德,1996 年): 与 baO 相反。团体成员表现得好像没有团体一样——每个成员都是一个个体,与整体没有联系。否认团体有助于保护成员免受团体生活的破坏性方面的影响,而是确保个人主义。这可能在文化上以西方主义为导向。

Heavy stuff?! Yes maybe. But do you recognise any of these at play in the groups you belong to or work with? 太复杂?!也许吧。但是,在您所属或与之合作的团体中,您是否认识到其中的任何一项?

In my next post I'll provide some simple ways that you can help groups to stay in Work Group mentality instead of sliding into Basic Assumption mentality! 在我的下一篇文章中,我将提供一些简单的方法,您可以帮助小组保持工作小组心态,而不是陷入基本假设心态!

Further reading 进一步阅读

