你说 有没有一种卡片 它可以超越时间? 又或者是地域上的隔断 也阻止不了思维上的相连? 你说 客观上的那些纯净的真理 是有效的还是无效的经验? 我们不断打破 也在相互追赶 你说 凭什么的你说为什么不是我说 又或者凭什么我先 那些纠结的情绪一定有本源 有的能看见,有的看不见 这世界有如一个巨大的看板 所有的堆砌象一幅画动态改变 也许它无法停下 可是无论在哪个时刻 总有一些影像彰显

You said Is there some kind of cards It can transcend time? Or is there a geographical separation The connection of thinking can't stop You said Are the real truths of the objective The experiences valid or invalid? We are constantly breaking down And catch up with each other You said Why do you say what you say and why not me? Or why should I be first Those tangled emotions must have an origin Some are visible, some are not The world is like a giant visual board All the piles change dynamically like a painting Maybe it can't stop But no matter at what moment There is always some image left
