
The origins of Nancy Kline’s Thinking Environment are steeped in one observation and one question. The observation is “The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first”, a statement that has powerful implications. The consequent question is: “What does it take for people to help each other to think well for themselves?”

南希·克莱恩的 "思考环境 "起源于一个观察和一个问题。 这个观察是:"我们所做的一切的质量取决于我们之前做的思考的质量",这句话具有强大的意义。随之而来的那个问题是:"要怎样才能让人们互相帮助,为自己好好思考?"

Nancy Kline articulated this observation and was asking this question over two decades ago, after she had founded a school in her native USA. When she put the question to people, she noticed that the answer tended not to be about IQ, education, or experience; it turned out that the single most important factor in the quality of someone’s thinking was the way people were being treated by those around them. Nancy went on to identify ten ways that were most dependable in this regard, and these became known as the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment:


A Thinking Environment can be created between two people – a Thinking Partnership, comprising Thinker (coachee) and Partner (coach) – or in a group, at a think tank or any other type of meeting.


To me, the most important factor of the Thinking Environment described above is the quality of attention in the listening, while some of the other elements contribute to this. The type of listening that Nancy Kline prescribes is not inactive; she describes it as attention bestowed on the Thinker by the Partner and that, for an effective session, this attention needs to be an equal balance of three streams:


“In the first stream the Partner’s attention is on the content of what the Thinker is saying. In the second stream their attention is on their response to what the Thinker is saying. In the third stream their attention is on the creation of a Thinking Environment for the Thinker.”




Nancy Kline’s theories are supported by practical structures which, if adhered to, will enable the Thinker to work through the issues, gain some clarity and find a way forward. The Thinking Session starts with a simple question:


‘What would you like to think about and what are your thoughts?’


The Thinker is then able to talk through his situation at will. The key here lies in two elements: the quality of attention given by the Partner, and the knowledge from the Thinker that they will not be interrupted; therefore the ‘contracting’ which takes place prior to the conversation is important, so that the Thinker knows they are going to be given sufficient time to speak and be listened to.


Eventually, the Thinker often reaches a point where everything that initially has come into their thoughts will have been said. They will pause and the Partner can ask:


‘What more do you think, or feel or want to say?’


The phrase ‘what more’ can sound unnatural when spoken in some situations. However, to ask ‘what else?’ may lead the Thinker into another subject, while ‘what else about that?’ may limit them to the same one. As I have said before in this series, the technique must be the tool and not the master, and I have heard Nancy offering similar advice herself. This is a process which has been tried and tested over many years, so it is worth while adhering to the exact words where possible; however, the comfort of the Thinker and the rapport within the Partnership are key elements in helping the Thinker to think more clearly, so the words could be changed if necessary to ensure these conditions are met.


When asked to think some more, the Thinker may be surprised at how many different thoughts come to mind, and because they are in the Thinking Environment created by the Partner, they have the leisure to express and explore them. It is a fact that we often find out what we think by talking out loud, and this is one of the core benefits of this process.


‘What more?’ questions can be asked several times until everything is out on the table and the Thinker is ready to identify what is standing in the way of their goals.

This is where the Partner makes a more active intervention by asking what Nancy terms ‘Incisive Questions’ TM. The process for this is to:


这时伙伴会更积极地干预,提出所谓的’犀利的问题’ TM。这个过程就是:

  • identify what might be a limiting assumption, for example ‘No-one listens to me around here’;

  • ask an Incisive QuestionTM to remove that belief, for example: ‘If you knew you would be listened to, what would you say, and to whom?

  • 找出可能是限制性的假设,例如:’这里没有人听我说话’;

  • 提出一个’犀利的问题’ TM消除这种信念,例如:’如果你知道你被人倾听了,你会说什么?会对哪一个人说呢?’

Some similar questions might be:


  • What assumption are you making that is getting in the way?

  • If you knew you were to become the boss, what problem would you solve first and how?

  • If you knew you are vital to this organisation’s success, how would you approach your work?

  • If things could be exactly right for you, how would they have to change?

  • 阻碍发展的你都有什么假设?

  • 如你知道你即将成为老板,你先优先解决什么问题?怎么解决?

  • 如果你知道你对组织来说至关重要,你会如何对待你的工作?

  • 如果事情对你来说是绝对正确的,它们应该如何变化?

It is important to recognise that the limiting assumption is not necessarily imaginary. The value is in helping the Thinker to face the issue and consider it from different perspectives.


The Thinking Environment is highly effective in group work and meetings. One of the techniques here is the ‘Thinking Round’, which ensures everyone has a chance to say all they want to. As is the case with the Thinking Partnership, it is the contracting at the start of the meeting which brings the value.


“To be interrupted is not good. To get lucky and not be interrupted is better. But to know you will not be interrupted allows you truly to think for yourself.”




The principles of the Thinking Environment bear similarities to coaching, which was being developed during the same time period; both are fundamentally about respecting people, caring for their welfare and development, and building relationships grounded in trust. Some of the processes parallel tools used in coaching, such as Clean Language, another strong listening process, and the ‘limiting beliefs’ model espoused by Neuro Linguistic Programming.

思考环境的原则与同一时期发展起来的教练有相似之处;两者都是从根本上尊重人,关心他们的福祉和发展,并在信任的基础上建立关系。有些过程与教练中使用的工具相似,如清晰的语言,另一个强有力的倾听过程,以及NLP(神经语言程序学)所推崇的 "限制性信念 "模型。

One difference is that Nancy does not recommend reflecting the Thinker’s words back, which is a common technique used by coaches. Having experienced being coached by Nancy at a demonstration, I found myself wishing that she would interrupt with the normal coaching interventions of clarifying, reflecting and questioning. However, I was also able to identify that the root of my need was to create a distraction so that I could avoid facing some difficult issues! When given nothing other than ‘What more?’ from Nancy, I was forced to face these issues and, as a result, reached an unexpected breakthrough. Having said that, I would not dismiss the interventionist coaching techniques from the skill set, as they can be effective in creating rapport and helping to focus the mind in some situations.

一个区别是,南希不建议把思考者的话反射回去,这是教练常用的技巧。在经历了南希在一次演示中的指导后,我发现自己希望她能打断正常的教练干预,如澄清、反思和提问。然而,我也能够确定,我的需求的根源是想制造一个分散注意力的机会,以便我能够避免面对一些困难的问题。当南希只给我 "还有什么?"的时候,我被迫面对这些问题,结果,达到了一个意想不到的突破。说到这里,我不会把干预型教练技术从技能组合中剔除,因为它们在某些情况下可以有效地创造融洽的关系,并帮助集中思想。

Nancy Kline’s work highlights the effectiveness of giving people ‘a good listening to’ (and these are my words, not hers). There is much debate among coaches, especially those in training, as to the most effective questions to ask, what supplementary techniques will lead to new insights for the client, what structures to use and how to ‘dance’ with the client in the coaching conversation. If we are not careful, the end result can be a coach who gallops all over clients like an enthusiastic pony, focusing on being a star performer and bringer of solutions instead of concentrating on the coachee’s experience.

南希·克莱恩的工作强调了给人们 "一个好的倾听 "的有效性(这是我的话,不是她的话)。教练之间有很多争论,尤其是那些正在接受培训的教练,争论的焦点是要问哪些最有效的问题,哪些辅助技术会给客户带来新的见解,使用什么结构,以及如何在教练对话中与客户 "共舞"。如果我们不小心,最终的结果可能是一个教练像一匹热情的小马一样在客户身上奔跑,专注于成为一个明星表演者和解决方案的带来者,而不是专注于被辅导者的经验。

When it comes to her own life, Nancy walks the talk; her courses take place in a stunning riverside environment and include not only comfortable surroundings but excellent lunches! All the other nine principles of the Thinking Environment are respected too, particularly in terms of listening and authentic appreciation. If this sounds a little sycophantic, it is an accurate reflection of the effect that this eloquent and graceful woman seems to have on everyone she comes into contact with.


The biggest takeaway for me from the time I spent studying with Nancy Kline is a reinforcement of the power of listening, giving quality attention, and contracting to do so at the start, so that my coachees, or ‘thinkers’, have to focus only on their own thought processes without any distractions.

在与南希·克莱恩学习的过程中,我最大的收获是加强了倾听的力量,给予高质量的关注,并在一开始就签约,这样我的被教练者或 "思考者 "就不得不只关注自己的思考过程,而不受任何干扰。
