09, 行为艺术家

开关拨弄三下 彩灯开始绽放光华 有什么击中心脏 象有一粒种子开始生根发芽 身体开始不受控制 有声音拼搏着穿出嘴巴 群里的头像开始整合出新的图标 它会是一个新的二维码 关于赞誉的词汇如沙 我们就象海滩边耍的娃娃 为了一个不存在的比赛 我们都变成为了行为艺术家 开关拨弄三下 梦想变成星星那么大 它们不会安于被悬挂在夜空 为了入睡,得数着它

Three toggles of the switch Something glowing the lights began And something shoots my heart Like a seed starting life Uncontrollable my body A voice fought its way out of the mouth The group's avatar turn to a new icon It will be a new QR code Words about praise are like sand We are children playing at the beach Playing game that doesn't exist We are all performance artists Three toggles of the switch Dreams become as big as stars They don't settle in the night sky To sleep, I need count them without sound
