15, 生物电脑

昨夜梦见巨大的蓝色月亮 月亮下深灰色的建筑发出清冷的光芒 我能看到让人不安定的巨大LOGO 就浮现在楼体的没有表情的外墙 好象平地里的一个标准的机箱 人与人创造链式的信息熵 白云飘过天空这个显示器 我们都是计算单元不停地奔忙 生物化的电脑有着复杂的冗余结构 它依赖于平凡也依赖于梦想 我想它能有朝一日突破这屏蔽 发射一艘飞船顺着虫洞去他乡

I have a huge blue moon in my dream last night The dark gray buildings under the moon glowed coldly I can see the huge logo that makes people unsettled Hanging on the facade of the building without expression Like a standard box in the flat ground People create a chain of information entropy White clouds float across the sky as a monitor We are all computing units constantly working The biological computer has a complex redundant structure It depends on ordinary and dreams I think it will one day break through this shield Launching a spaceship through a wormhole to another land
