
Rhetorical Appeals 修辞要义

Rhetorical Appeal 修辞要义

Abbreviated Definition 简要定义

Reflective Questions 反馈问题

Telos 目的

appeal to purpose


You may want to think of telos as related to "purpose," as it relates to the writer or speaker or debater. 你可能想把telos看作是与 "目的 "有关的,因为它与作者、演讲者或辩论者有关。 推断作者、演讲者或辩论者的目的。

Infer the purpose of the author, speaker, or debater. 推断作者、演讲者或辩论者的目的。

Elaborate on how the opening and concluding statements clearly reveal the purpose. 阐述开篇和结尾的陈述如何清楚地揭示了目的。

Decide if the purpose is supported with detail or elaboration. 决定该目的是否得到了细节或阐述的支持。

Ethos 信誉 * 注,ethos原来我翻译成权威,但在此处让我认识 它的意思更接近于信誉,伦理底层的内涵。

appeal to credibility 信誉的要义

You may want to think of ethos as related to "ethics," or the moral principles of the writer: ethos is the author's way of establishing trust with his or her reader. 你可以把 ethos看作是与 "伦理 "有关的,也就是作者的道德原则:ethos是作者与读者建立信任的方式。

Infer why an individual would decide to read or listen to what the writer has written. 推断一个人为什么会决定阅读或聆听作者所写的东西。

Explain how the author cites that he or she has something valid and important for an individual to read or listen to. 解释作者如何引用他或她有一些有效和重要的东西供人阅读或聆听。

Pathos 感染力

appeal to emotion 情感的要义

You may want to think of pathos as "empathy," which pertains to the experience of or sensitivity toward

emotion. 你可能想把pathos看作是 "共情",它涉及到对情感的体验或敏感性。

Decide how the writer/speaker is making the reader/listener respond. 决定作者/说话者是如何让读者/听众做出反应的。

Hypothesize how the writer/speaker is inciting passion. 假设作者/说话者是如何煽动激情的。

Logos 理性

appeal to logic 逻辑的要义

You may want to think of logos as "logic," because something that is logical "makes sense"—it is reasonable. 你可能想把logos想象成 "逻辑",因为符合逻辑的东西 "有道理"--它是合理的。

Explain how the writer/speaker is developing a logical argument. 解释作者/演讲者是如何进行逻辑论证的。

Elaborate on the proof that is given to convince the reader/listener to agree with the writer/speaker’s position. 阐述为说服读者/听众同意作者/说话者的立场而提供的证明。

Kairos 契机

appeal to timeliness 及时的要义

You may want to think of kairos as the type of persuasion that pertains to "the right place and the right time." 你可能想把kairos看作是与 "正确的地点和正确的时间 "有关的劝说类型。

Analyze how the writer makes claims that are relevant to what is happening. 分析作者如何提出与正在发生的事情相关的主张。

Decide if the author "is making the most of the moment" or attempting to write /speak to the concern of the audience. 决定作者是在 "充分利用当下",还是试图针对观众的关注点进行写作/发言。

Adaptation by Steve Carrier and Beryl Irene Bailey, Ed.D., based on: Source URL: http://writingcommons.org/information- literacy/understanding-arguments/rhetorical-analysis/rhetorical-appeals/583-rhetorical-appeals Saylor URL: http://www.saylor.org/courses/#1.1.2 由史蒂夫·凯利(Steve Carrier)和贝柔·艾琳·贝莉(Beryl Irene Bailey), 教育学博士改编,基于资料来源:http://writingcommons.org/information- literacy/understanding-arguments/rhetorical-analysis/rhetorical-appeals/583-rhetorical-appeals Saylor URL: http://www.saylor.org/courses/#1.1.2

Attributed to: [Writing Commons] www.saylor.org (TELOS added to the source.) 归功于:[写作共享]www.saylor.org (将TELOS添加到来源之中)
