05, 三人行

这世界有那么多人 有多少有趣的灵魂 我们跟着岁月经历过多少霜雪痕 就见证过多少的认真 年少时读书很诚恳 确定所有的见识都是对的心门 直到体验过多少次烦闷 直到面对也不能平心而论 爬过的山峰顶飘过了云 山上的花争相吐露着芳芬 我听过有人在歌唱对生活热忱 那瞬间感受到了即将来到的春 海浪吹起波涛温存 沙滩的光亮象雪一样微薰 早安的晨光告诉我的作品 要象风一样路过告诉该告诉的人

There are so many people in this world There are so many interesting souls there There are so many frost and snow marks we have experienced with the years There are so many seriousness we have witnessed When I was young, I was very sincere in reading When I was sure, all the knowledge is the right door of the heart When I experienced boredom When my face can't be calm Where clouds drifted over the tops of the mountains I climbed Where the flowers reveal their fragrance Where someone singing about the enthusiasm of life Where the moment I felt the coming spring The waves blowing the warmth of the waves The beach lighting the beach as snow The morning light tells my product The wind is what I want to tell those who should be told
